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Transition metal catalyzed reactions

Light-promoted chemistry

Reductive elimination (RE) of

Ni(III) and Ni(IV) complexes

Ni(III) Ni(IV) introduction.png

Ni(II) complexes

Ni(II) introduction.png

Binuclear Pd(III)-Pd(III) complexes

Pd(III)2 introduction.png

Co(III) complexes


Small molecule activation

Activation of molecular oxygen (O₂)

with Co complex

with Ru complexes

with Ni complexes

Activation of carbon dioxide (CO₂)

with half-sandwich Rh/Ir complexes

RhIr introduction.png

Contact Information

Natural Science Bldg (E6-4), Room #1116-1117

Department of Chemistry, KAIST

291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu

Daejeon 34141

Republic of Korea

Tel: +82-42-350-2859


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